Common Box (Buxus sempervirensis a well known and popular dark green small leaved slow growing hedging plant easily kept trimmed and or shaped as topiary, widely used for parterres traditionally trimmed on Derby Day.

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Use for... edging of borders, topiary, parterres or formal tidy hedge.

Growth rate... slow 10-15cm per year.

Ideal hedge height... Common Box (Buxus sempervirensis an adaptable hedging plant, ideal for any height from 30cm up to 5 metres.

Situation & soil... Common Box (Buxus sempervirens) is a hardy easy to grow plant that will thrive in most soils and tolerates shade. We recommend Rootgrow and Bonemeal when planting to get your new hedge off to a great start. 

Plant description... these are young two year 20-30cm bare root plants which are very economical and easy to transport and plant. A typical bundle of these plants may be seen in the photo above.

Planting distance... for a Box (Buxus) hedge we recommend 3 to 5 plants per metre.

Planting season... these bare rooted plants are supplied during the correct planting season from November until early April.

Trim in ... early June (Derby Day).

Other species to consider... Dwarf Box (Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa') for a lower growing option, or if Box blight is a problem then Japenese Green Holly (Ilex crenata Green Hedge) is a worthy alternative.

Delivery information... delivery is quick and free on all orders over £50 (our minimum order requirement), we do not require a signature on delivery so it is convenient too, complete delivery information may be found on our delivery page.


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