Laurel (Prunus) is an excellent choice of hedging. Laurel are easy to care for and are especially well suited to garden borders that provide screening and privacy. Laurel is one of the most popular evergreen hedging species available.
Laurel plants can be grown almost any time of year and can be planted in direct sun. For specific information on Laurel be sure to look at the individual varieties, as some require special treatment. Because Laurel is such a popular hedging variety we try to make sure we stock a wide range throughout the year. These include; Prunus laurocerasus Caucasica, Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia, Prunus laurocerasus Otto Luyken, Prunus lusitanica and Aucuba japonica variegata.
Laurel is a fast growing species, and is infact known to be the fastest growing non-conifer hedging plant. If left untrimmed to grow as a broad hedge it also deadens noise pollution. In appearance, Laurel has a strong colour and is wildlife friendly. It is a relatively hardy plant, and can be planted in any well-drained soil.
From our nursery in Kent we grow each of our Laurel plants with individual care and attention. When you order from us you can get the best quality hedging delivered straight to your door.
Our Laurel (Prunus) hedging plants are available in a huge range of sizes, as bare root or rootballed plants from November - April or as pot grown plants which may be planted all year round. We can also supply Instant Laurel (Prunus) hedges in a range of heights if you can't wait.
Take a look at the Laurel varieties we currently have available below, or contact a member of our team for more information.