Griselinia Hedging Plants

Griselinia Littoralis (New Zealand Privet) is an attractive, large, evergreen plant with distinctive mild-green leaves, ideal for border hedging.

Griselinia Littoralis is a fast-growing species native to New Zealand. It is a popular option for coastal areas, which it is particularly suited to due to its high tolerance of salt and coastal exposure.

Griselinia Littoralis develop yellow-green flowers, which are later followed by purple flowers on female plants in areas where both sexes of the plant are present. Griselinia Littoralis is very popular with wildlife, with its dense foliage providing attractive protection to nesting birds. As a plant they are tolerant of most soil pH levels, including those with both acidic or alkaline levels, and can be planted in locations with concentrations of chalk, clay and sand.

When it comes to planting, Griselinia Littoralis should be planted in full sunlight where possible, and in well-drained soil. Though they are notably hardy plants, they do not do well in very cold, exposed sites. When planted as garden hedging, Griselinia Littoralis should ideally be planted about one metre away from each other.

HedgingPlants.com provide a number of Griselinia Littoralis (New Zealand Privet) plants, grown within our nursery in Kent. Our plants are all grown by a team of experts, ready to be hand delivered to locations all over the country. We stock our Griselinia Littoralis plants as potted plants, which can be planted any time of the year.

Find our range of Griselinia Littoralis (New Zealand Privet) or contact a member of our team for any further information on 01580 767247.

  • £3.29

    £3.95 inc vat


    Griselinia Littoralis