English Yew (Taxus baccata) is one of our most traditional species with its familiar dense dark green appearance. A most favoured highly prized hedging plant often seen in churchyards it is used widely as hedging or topiary. Although it is slow growing it will suit most soils as long as the area is well drained and the growth rate can be improved slightly by good ground preparation.
Our English Yew (Taxus baccata) hedging plants are available in a huge range of sizes as bare root or rootballed plants from November - April or as pot grown plants which may be planted all year round. Our discounted pack deals are unbeatable value if you need a lot of plants and we can also supply Instant English Yew (Taxus baccata) hedges in a range of heights if you really can't wait!
At a glance... a hedge for all seasons that can be easily maintained at any height over 30cm.